Inspired by the Greats

Many thanks go to dear Cameron for writing such entertaining pieces on his own site that I just HAD to have one of my own:-)
Having avoided blogging for reasons not really explicable (even to myself), I have finally come to the conclusion that having access to people's thoughts and opinions on the world around them is in fact a useful and fascinating social and artistic process.
In a society that is increasingly isolated in terms of personal interraction, and that often relegates individuals to mere numbers or cogs in the corporate wheel, I really like the 'blogging' ability to have a brief peek inside people's heads without ridiculous censure.
Having said that, I have a whole tonne of issues and problems that I will post very shortly, but as my 'set up' post, this one will be brief and non-extraordinary,-many apologies.
For those who have issues with a slightly (!!) left-wing slant on the world,-this blog is liable to annoy you somewhat. If you hate vegetarians, vegans, homosexuals, artists etc GO AWAY. If you're interested in the thoughts of an Australian Girl (well, woman) working her way through her third degree and working crap jobs to keep the wolf from the door, you can stay and be nice to me!
See you soon!
By the way, -I'm not Dawn French, -just adore her to bits.
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