I Love Quizzes:-)

Dear old Cam, I really want to answer these questions! Partially because I will happily chat about books for hours on end with anyone brave enough to listen to me, and partly because books are a bit like a religion with me. i.e. I actually have hopes that after reading the answers below someone will think "Hmmm, -I must get a copy of that!" and then I'll get more brownie points for book-heaven...or something like that....banana banana
No reason for Liam Neeson to head up this topic, except that if he were a book I would read each page very very slowly and never want to reach the end...he he
1. One book that changed your life
The Heretic's Feast by Colin Spencer. It's a history of vegetarianism, covering religious, philosophical and social aspects of vegetarianism. It started me thinking on a whole new level about the relative 'truth' of our dietary beliefs in Western society.
2.One book that you've read more than once
Voyage of the Dawntreader C.S. Lewis. I would have said the whole Narnia Chronicles but the question did say 'one book'. Dawntreader is definately my absolute favourite though. That painting coming to life was a very visceral image for me as a kid and still delights me in art galleries to this day:-)
3. One book that you'd want on a desert island
Blank notebook, and a good supply of pencils.
4. One book that made you laugh
Handy Hints for Minister's Wives. I can no longer remember who wrote it or where I found it but it was an absolute hoot! I remember sitting on a train on the way back from uni literally wiping tears from my eyes because of the painmy stomach was in from laughing so hard.
5. One book that made you cry
Well, obviously as above, but also as a pathetic hippy animal-loving type, yes, I cried like a little girl when Artax was swallowed by the swamp of despair in The Neverending Story. Mind you, I was a little girl at the time, so I can't actually be called any derogatory names for that one. Little girls have a weird obsession with Horses,-don't ask why.
6. One book that you wish had been written
OK, it's a cross between The Female Eunuch and The Beauty Myth but it's written about women by a man, for men, and men actually read it and buy it for their other men friends. They all talk of nothing else for a good while, and it makes the top 5 bestsellers of all time, outselling Harry Potter. As a direct result of this book, major social structures begin to change in favour of true equality...etc etc blah blah no one actually wants to hear about this anymore....
7.One book that you wish had never been written
The Bible. Actually, any of the religious tracts/texts. Why? It would have been nice if humanity had evolved to think for itself, to establish a moral code without fear as a motivator. It would have been nice if the Church had held less power over people in centuries past. It would have been nice if women were never tied to the stake and burned for helping other women give birth. It would have been nice if English people had just stayed in their own goddam country rather than running off to 'liberate' jerusalem. It would have been just peachy if the word 'missionary' had never been invented,-many tribes still would not have heard the words 'syphilis', 'malaria' or 'flu'.
8.One book that you're currently reading
Stolen Apples by Yevgeny Yevtushenko. I haven't read enough poetry lately so I thought I'd dip back into the Russians Beautiful stuff. Changes the way you see the world while you're reading it.
9. One book you've been meaning to read
The China Study by Dr T.Colin Cambell. I will read it when my order arrives next week! Can't wait, -40 year nutritional study in cooperation with America,Japan and China. Non-anecdotal, scientific double-blind proof that a diet based on animal proteins is responsible for the vast majority of our western 'diseases of affluence'.
10. Now tag five people
I would, if I had the faintest idea what 'tagging' is...
Tagging is just letting five people know that it's their turn!
The other meaning of tagging is putting a link to some other website from your own. For example, I've tagged your blogspot on my own.
BTW, I knew you'd want to get in on the action! Didn't realise you had your own blog, though...
Well, the plug on Cam's page effectively got you not one, but two more readers. At least.
I will just have to pretend Pete Murray was not mentioned. He gives me hives.
How exciting! Yours humbly wishes to extend her warmest welcomes and assure all visitors that she will endeavour to be about half as witty and erudite as Cam,...on a good day...
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