Crikey! Someone died!

Sorry, I have to do this.
I was working away on Monday when a report came over the idiot radio (Vega,-my bosses favourite station) -Steve Irwin, dead,-killed by Sting Ray barb.
My first reaction was 'ah! it's a hoax!', my second (that took a while) was, 'If I hear about this again, I'm going to scream' -the joys of working in customer service...
Customer 1: "Did you hear about Steve Irwin?!"
me: "Yes! Awfull for his poor family! I guess he died doing what he loved" etc etc
Customer 10,32, 73, 197: "Did you hear about Steve Irwin?"
Me: "Yea."
Since then I've read news, attended forums and have been generally overwhelmed with the sudden 'Irwinism' that had overcome my acquaintances.
Who knew? I've been avoiding all things 'Irwin' for years,-simply because his hyped up 'Crikey I'm an Aussie' thing annoyed me.
Since his death, I've learned a a great deal about his efforts re: environmentalism and the sanctuary of endangered species. Good work. Has holes, but good work.
Final thoughts;
1. It is very sad that he leaves behind a wife and two young children who will never have a father.
2. He was killed by a Sting-Ray, -only known to attack when severely distressed.
3. People die every day. Some heros, some not. Some covered by the media,-most not.
4. I get the grief but not the nationwide "shock". Is it so difficult to understand that "celebrity" and "immortal" are not synonyms?
5. All those calling him a 'Noah' should read Timothy Findley's 'Not Wanted on the Voyage"...
6. Germaine Greer is not an evil bitch. Her opinions were quite reasonable.
7. Amazing that his death has stirred a massive feminism debate, -who woulda thought?!
Thankyoun Mr Irwin for a life lived colourfully and fully. Thankyou for giving a damn about all th e 'other' (not cute and cuddly) creatures we share a planet with. But finally,- a man died terribly. That should not leave anyone cold. Just remember that millions die every day, no less terribly) and question your reactions to Mr irwin.
Icon, or convenient scapegoat for your distress at the world situation?
-May seem 'pat' but-think about it.