Those nutty Japanese and quantum physics...
So, after a long absence I have finally found something interesting enough to share with the world at large (i.e. the 4 or so people who bother to read this blog).
Whilst studying the principles of Homeopathy (part of my course in Nutrition) I came across the interesting (if highly debatable) work of one Dr Masuru Emoto. This dapper little chappie collects water samples from around the country, freezes it in 1ml quantities, lets it gradually unfreeze in -5 degree conditions and photographs the 'snowflake' crystals that form on top of the droplet. Nothing so new there. Snowflakes have been photographed for ages. So pretty 'n stuff. So he comes out with some pretty predictable shots of water from around Japan's rivers, springs, dams and lakes as shown below.

Antarctic Ice From the healing fountain, Lourdes
There's tonnes of shots. Just google it and have a look. Pretty impressive stuff.
Then he went further and photographed fujiwara dam water before and after a prayer and )da da da daaaaaa) the crystal structure CHANGED.
They tried words, 'Love and appreciation', 'I hate you, you make me sick', 'Adolf Hitler' and 'Mother Theresa' and LO, the crystals changed into lots of murky yuckiness! (Not for Mother Theresa obviously)
Music had a similar effect with Beethoven, Tibet Sutras and folk dances making pretty snowflakes and Heavy metal creating.....murky yuckiness,.whoa -water has taste!
Apart from my flippancy, if you look at this from a quantum physics standpoint it's not all that unbelievable, but I'll leave you to do the figuring.
To my way of thinking, if this works, we don't need to recycle water, or build desalination plants. We could all just crowd around Waragamba with some really big sub-woofers and pump out Vaughan Williams while praying to mother Theresa to smite Adolf Hitler 'cos he makes us sick.
Ahhh humanity, we come up with some pretty goddam interesting where does one get research grants for this typa thang.......:)
I just did a quick experiment. I told the water bottle in my hand: "I love you very much. You are my best friend!"
Aside from feeling incredibly stupid, I swear the water tastes better! You know what that means... we should do an independently funded double-blinded computer-randomised controlled trial with allocation concealment and a substantial sample size. Lets nut out this phenomenon!
Good call 99, you establish funding and I' useful..:-)
I wonder what the water looks like if you have sex in the same room as it?
That's just peurile dear...
Isn't it spelt purile?
And the water crystals take on a horny appearance. Har har!
As I understand it, the biggest implication of this research is for we humans who are 70% water. According to that horrendous, over-hyped, misleading, pseudo-science peddling, irritating film "What The Bleep Do We Know" we should take note of what we 'say' to the water in our own bodies b/c of the implications of Emoto's work.
I have been meaning to look into the veracity of his claims: have you come across anything substantiating or discrediting them?
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