Monday, March 26, 2007
Ding dong the bells are gonna chime...

I'm getting married! Oh lordy, what the hell? It should be mentioned that I'm the kind of girl who NEVER expected to get married, never planned on getting married, never planned dresses, invitations, bridesmaids or any of the other blah that goes on, and as a result am somewhat overwhelmed by the staggering amount of work that apparently needs to be done!
Who would have thought? I thought staging a show & organising Symphony Orchestras was challenging, but dammit, this wedding biz is unbelievable!
The etiquette of a wedding alone should be made into a TAFE course. Someone asked me the other day if I'd done a wedding budget yet....a wedding what?! I'm drowning in a whirlwind of venuelaceflowersinvitationsparentsfriendslistsbouquetsbanquetsgiftsthankyousdoIreallyhavetoinviteher
Anyway, I suspect that I'm not the only potential bride to panic about all this, but how exactly does one run a busy music studio, study nutrition and plan a wedding, home and family? The answer would be to hire the ubiquitous 'wedding planner' with our non-existent budget and even more non-existent savings. Any offers accepted:-)
On a more positive side, I'm marrying my best friend. He's also the kindest man this side of Nirvana and an extraordinarily talented and intelligent individual. I guess I'm still reeling that he actually wants to marry notoriously difficult and prickly little me. Perhaps his major fault is that he really can't see mine! Shush, He doesn't need to know...